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Social work essay examples

Social work essay examples

social work essay examples

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Social Work Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

Social work is a professional area of practice which applies knowledge, skills, research techniques and social theory to improve the lives of individuals, communities and groups. Social work is considered as a helping profession because it is majorly concerned with the plight of people who are in difficult situations with an aim of helping them overcome those difficulties, social work essay examples. Social workers work in diverse fields both in the private and public sectors such as in rehabilitation centers, child welfare institutions, humanitarian organizations, borstal institutions and homes of the elderly among others Hare, social work essay examples, Social workers go through the formal education system with a special bias in the social, biological and behavioral sciences.

During training, they are exposed to field practicum in which they get an opportunity to work with various organizations where they merge theory with practice Healy, social work essay examples, Just like other professions such as social work essay examples or medicine, social work is guided by values, ethics and codes of conduct. Some of the values include competence, integrity, professionalism, social justice and value for human dignity. Some of the core principles include confidentiality, controlled emotional involvement and client self determination among others. Some of the skills include self awareness, observation and critical thinking Healy, In this paper, I will explore social work practice by looking at oppression of women by men.

I will also look into the knowledge, values and skills which are associated with culturally sensitive practice with diverse populations. Eventually I will engage in a self-awareness exercise by self-administering a value-based assessment and cultural competency inventory; and finally engage in a thoughtful analysis and discussion of my strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to my cultural competency and how I plan to improve on the weaknesses. Gender refers to the roles associated with a particular sex, either male or female. Males and females are born with physical and biological differences.

Some physical differences include height, appearance, weight and physical strength. Biological differences may include sexual reproduction organs and hormonal processes. These differences between males and females have been misused to oppress women in several aspects of life like in education, career, power, leadership, employment and management Connel, social work essay examples, In the field of management for example, women have been oppressed by men through various ways. Many organizations are guided by the principles of masculinity which do not have respect for women. In these organizations, the authority of women managers is not respected as the authority of men managers.

This leads to a situation whereby the leadership or management by a woman may not be as effective as that of a man because the employees in those organizations do not recognize women as a source of authority and therefore, any guidelines, instructions or regulations given by a woman manager may not be taken seriously by the employees Hartl, In many organizations, women do light jobs such as secretarial work or marketing. The central roles are dominated by men who are responsible for planning, social work essay examples, policy making and moving the organizations towards the realization of their mission and vision Rivas, At home, social work essay examples, they are supposed to be good mothers and wives.

They are supposed to ensure that the children are well fed, are healthy and clean Gregory, They are also supposed to take good care of their husbands. At the work place, they are supposed to produce good results either as managers or as normal employees. This makes them fall short of what is expected of them at the work place. The men on the other hand have very few roles to play at home which social work essay examples them with a lot of time to concentrate on their roles in the work place. Due to this, they are able to meet the set targets or expectations of the organizations Mason, For the women, reproduction is part of labor which they are not compensated for yet if they do not reproduce children, there would be no human resources to work in the organizations. Women have also been oppressed through promotions in organizations, social work essay examples.

Some women have to engage in sex with male directors so as to get promoted to the positions of managers. The others are betrothed to elderly men as wives after undergoing female genital cut. This has made women lack leadership, political and technological skills Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, In the developing countries mostly in Africa and Asia, poverty is very rampant. The economies are poorly managed and therefore there are few job opportunities. Many people depend on rain fed agriculture which is not sustainable due to lack of rainfall. In these countries, most men flee their homes to search for social work essay examples and leave their wives at home with young children.

These women are not able to take care of the welfare of the children and they strain a lot to ensure that the children are fed, clothed and schooled. Some women are forced to engage in prostitution as a source of income for their families. The women in these countries suffer silently because there are very few women in positions of power and leadership who can advocate for their rights, social work essay examples. Women have also been oppressed through being denied the opportunity to inherit property. In the developing countries especially in Africa, social work essay examples, women are not supposed to inherit any property from their parents. Among the Turkana of Kenya for example, if a wife does not give birth to a male child, the husband marries another wife who will give birth to a male child.

It is this male child who will inherit all the properties of the parents when they die or when they grow old. The reasoning behind this is that women are not supposed to own any property but are instead supposed to be owned as property by men. Since social work essay examples, some improvement has been realized in increasing the number of women in management positions. Inthe percentage rose to In other parts of the world, women are almost at par with men in various aspects such as leadership, education and technical know how. This is not however to say that oppression of women does not exist but what it means is that many people are slowly realizing that women are just like men and what men can do, women can also do it provided that the playing field is leveled.

One of the effects of women oppression in the work place is that it leads to role conflict which eventually leads to stress, social work essay examples. Role conflict refers to a form of disagreement among the roles held by one individual; that is, roles which correspond to various statuses of the same individual. Role conflict pulls an individual in different directions at the social work essay examples time. It may be short lived or long lived. A good example to illustrate role conflict is by a working mother. As explained earlier, the mother is expected to deliver good results at the work place and also be a good wife at home through taking care of social work essay examples children, husband and doing social work essay examples domestic chores.

At the family level, women are oppressed through various ways such as wife battering, marital rape, female genital cut, being denied opportunity to gain education and inherit property, men running away from home among others. Domestic violence is the most common form of women oppression at the family level especially in the developing countries, social work essay examples. Domestic violence has traumatizing effects on women. Such women need advocacy, empowerment and counseling for them to heal.

There is also need for social workers to agitate for policy change to enable women get education and inherit property. Social workers should also educate the communities to avoid cultural practices which have been used to oppress women. Social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse populations need to have social work knowledge in specific areas. One of the areas of social work knowledge is the knowledge of human behavior. Having knowledge of human behavior helps the social workers understand the cultures, social work essay examples, values and norms of specific communities.

This in turn helps the social workers package their intervention in such a manner that it does not conflict with the cultural practices, beliefs and norms of social work essay examples particular communities. Such knowledge also helps the social workers to understand the cultural prejudices in various communities. This understanding of the cultural prejudices enables the social workers to help the people differentiate the facts and fictions in regard to certain prejudices. For example, in a community which believes that women are not allowed to go to school, the social workers can help the people understand that women in other parts of the world are allowed to attain eduction and challenge them to change that kind of perception.

Another social work knowledge which is useful for social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse populations is the knowledge of social justice, social work essay examples. Social workers need to have an understanding of social justice so as to help people in communities who suffer social injustice, social work essay examples. The social workers should also educate the people about the concept and show them the importance of embracing social work essay examples justice. Social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse populations also need social work knowledge about the code of conduct for social workers and the ethics which govern the profession of social work. This knowledge can help the social workers avoid unprofessional conduct which might conflict with certain values, norms and practices of particular groups.

For example, they need to understand the various international laws, treaties and conventions which stipulate various human rights for different categories of people such as employees, children and women among others. This understanding can help the social workers educate the populations for them to know when their rights are violated and what they are supposed to do. However, the social social work essay examples must do it in a professional manner so that they are not accused of incitement. One of the values for social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse communities is the value of service to humanity. This value is very important for the social workers because it enables them to serve the populations irrespective of their cultural, religious, social work essay examples, economic and historical orientations.

Social workers without this value may have difficult time and in some cases, they may find it almost impossible to work with some cultural groups. The value of service to humanity also enables the social workers to appreciate and empathize with the populations without necessarily sympathizing with them. Another value which is important for social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse populations is the value of human dignity. Social workers must understand that they have an obligation of respecting the clients and their cultural practices, social work essay examples. They have to put aside their personal biases against a certain group for them to help the clients.

Some times social workers may consider some practices as weird. However, social work essay examples, with the value of human dignity, they are able to acknowledge the fact that clients have a right of self determination. When they understand this, they are able to assist the clients without any obstacles. Social workers also need to have the value of competence and integrity. They need to apply their knowledge, skills and techniques in a professional manner when dealing with clients. The essence of this is that competence and integrity enable the social workers to avoid any questionable behavior or practice. It also enhances the trust and confidence of the clients in the social workers.

This also enables the clients to open up to the social workers and give as much information as possible. With the information and cooperation from the clients, the social workers are able to solve the problems affecting the clients or refer those which they cannot handle. One important skill which social workers working with culturally sensitive and diverse populations should have is the skill of observation. Observation has to do with going beyond what people say and focusing on their body language and reaction to some social situations. The skill also has to do with doing more listening than talking.

This is because the social workers are supposed to social work essay examples the clients as the best teachers of their own problems. If the social workers do more listening and observing than talking, they are able to gather as much information as possible which is very crucial for the interventions.

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social work essay examples

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