The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world's longest-running conflicts, having lasted 54 years since Israel's control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Numerous attempts to end the dispute have been attempted as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. This research was anchored on the ethnonational conflict theory with heavy dependence on secondary data U.S got the victory in the Persian Gulf War and then president of U.S George Bush and Soviet President Michael Gorbachev present a peace conference in Madrid to resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel. The conferences reopen the Palestine and Israel negotiations. Over the next two years, the United Nations and other nations started discussions between Background. Tensions in Israel and the Palestinian Territories had been increasing in the past few weeks. In March and April , 14 Israeli civilians were killed in a series of attacks by Palestinians, leading to a series of raids by the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank, killing 16 Palestinians (both civilians and militants).. Shortly before the incident, a Jewish extremist
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Israelis and Palestinians have been in war, especially in Gaza, for several decades, israel palestine conflict essay. The Conflict is a continuous struggle between Palestine and Israel that started in the mid-Twentieth Century. The genesis of the conflict may be associated to the sectarian disagreement as well as the immigration of the Jews. Although there have been efforts by other countries, including Egypt and Jordan, to bring peace between the two countries, they have not been successful in that regard. The violence resulting from the conflict has led to several international conferences related to historic and human rights as well as security issues.
It is also associated with the reduced tourist activities and access to places that are heavily contested. Violence continued in the Fifties and early Sixties, such as attacks on Israelis by Palestinian militants known as Fedayeen. InIsrael attacked Egyptian armies in Gaza, killing israel palestine conflict essay armies. As a result, Egypt started to actively support, israel palestine conflict essay, arm and train Palestinian fighters, who were committed to attack Israel. Moreover, israel palestine conflict essay, to support the Palestinian fighters, the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed in However, inthe Palestinians could not operate from Jordan as a result of the Jordanian-Palestinian civil war.
This meant that Palestinians had to seek other ways of staying put in their battle. Additionally, the initial Palestinian uprising started in as a result of israel palestine conflict essay increased attacks and indefinite occupation. Starting in the Nineties, international endeavors to end the conflict had begun Gerner, Consequently, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process resulted into the Oslo Accords, making it israel palestine conflict essay for the PLO to move to the West Bank as well as Gaza Strip, and it created the Palestinian National Authority. However, the peace process faced significant opposition from radical Islamic believers of Palestinian origin, such as Hamas, who instantly began attacks that aimed at Israelis Gerner, Despite many attempts to end the feud, inthe conflict re-emerged as the Second Intifada, and it escalated into a war between Israel Defense Forces and the Palestinian National Security Forces.
The violence ran from the year toand led to about one hundred and thirty fatalities Gerner, israel palestine conflict essay, However, most international organizations, including the United Nations and Human Rights Watch have faulted the nation insisting that there is no total freedom until they cease controlling the movement of people and goods entering and leaving Gaza strip Gerner, Moreover, Hamas obtained significant victory in the Palestinian parliamentary election in As a result, Israel opined that it would impose economic sanctions, lest Hamas opted to acknowledge initial Israeli-Palestinian agreements, recognize the existence of Israel, and stop war Gerner, israel palestine conflict essay, However, israel palestine conflict essay, Hamas was adamant to accept the terms.
Hamas seized control over Gaza Strip in winning an on raging conflict against Fatah that resulted into the Battle of Gaza. This compelled Israel to impose a military blockade in Gaza. Rivalry between Hamas and Israel grew untilwhen the country began operation Cast Lead in Gaza, which led to many casualties among civilians as well as damages that were valued at billions of US dollars. A ceasefire was reached inbut the occupation and sporadic and minor israel palestine conflict essay of violence were still common Gerner, This is still the case up to date. There are various sources of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The control of Jerusalem is one of the key issues that have dominated in the conflict Spangler, Both Israel and Israel palestine conflict essay claim ownership of the city.
All the three major religions, that is, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, individually hold the belief that Jerusalem is a holy city for religious occasions. According to Muslims, the city is where Mohammad made his last journey to heaven. This makes the city a place of interest for both Palestinians israel palestine conflict essay Israelis. Additionally, other holy sites have fueled the feud between Israel and Palestine. During the period when Jerusalem was being controlled by Jordan, Jews were not allowed to reach the Western Wall and other places regarded as holy by the Jews. Palestine has on numerous occasions complained about state of Muslim and Christian holy shrines that are controlled by Israel. However, it is no doubt that holy shrines are a major cause of rivalry between the two.
Furthermore, Israeli security concerns are a source of the Conflict between the country and Palestine. The attacks are fuelled by multiple motivations. At the same time, the most influential Jihadists, including Hamas, believe that the conflict is a religious jihad. The Israel-Palestine conflict has changed in various ways over time. Various attempts have been commenced to come up with a two-state solution, with the aim of creating the State of Israel and Palestinian state Shafir, For instance, inmost of both Palestinians and Israelis believed that creating a two-state would solve the conflict.
Moreover, in the Palestinian and Israel societies, this conflicts leads to various opinions and views, which highlight the significant divisions that are available not only among the civilians, but also within their societies. For instance, fighting is carried out by armies, civilians, and terror groups. The main entities involved in the negotiation of the conflict are the PLO and Israel Government Shafir, The main mediator in the negotiations is called the Quartet via a special envoy, and consists of the, EU, US, Russia, and the United Nations Shafir, israel palestine conflict essay, The Quartet is involved in the process of finding the truce in the conflict.
In a nutshell, the conflict between Palestine and Israel was necessitated by an array of issues. The declaration of Israel State led to Israel-Arab War, and the need for these two factions to have control of places like Gaza and the West Bank. Other important issues that fuel the conflict include the need to have control over the city of Jerusalem, which is a historical and religious place. Similarly, both countries express concern over holy shrines that are under the control of the rival. Chapman, C. Whose Promised Land: The Continuing Conflict Over Israel and Palestine, israel palestine conflict essay. Dixon St: Israel palestine conflict essay Books. Gerner, D. One land, two peoples: The conflict over Palestine. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Harms, G. Palestine-Israel Conflict. London, israel palestine conflict essay, UK: Pluto Israel palestine conflict essay. Shafir, G. Berkeley, CA: Univ of California Press. Spangler, E. Netherlands: Brill Sense. You can place an order similar to this with us, israel palestine conflict essay. Use the order calculator below and get ordering with accurateessays. com now! Contact our live support team for any assistance or inquiry. Essay Term Paper Research Paper Coursework Book Report Book Review Movie Review Dissertation Thesis Thesis Proposal Research Proposal Dissertation Chapter - Abstract Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review Dissertation Chapter - Methodology Dissertation Chapter - Results Dissertation Chapter - Discussion Dissertation Services - Editing Dissertation Services - Proofreading Formatting Admission Services - Admission Essay Admission Services - Scholarship Essay Admission Services - Personal Statement Admission Services - Editing Editing Proofreading Case Study Lab Report Speech Presentation Math Problem Article Article Critique Annotated Bibliography Reaction Paper PowerPoint Presentation Statistics Project Multiple Choice Questions None-Time-Framed Other Not listed High School Undergraduate Master Ph.
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Conclusion In a nutshell, the conflict between Palestine and Israel was necessitated by an array of issues. References Chapman, C. Type of paper Academic level Subject area Essay Term Paper Research Paper Coursework Book Report Book Review Movie Review Dissertation Thesis Thesis Proposal Research Proposal Dissertation Chapter - Abstract Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review Dissertation Chapter - Methodology Dissertation Chapter - Results Dissertation Chapter - Discussion Dissertation Services - Editing Dissertation Services - Proofreading Formatting Admission Services - Admission Essay Admission Services - Scholarship Essay Admission Services - Personal Statement Admission Services - Editing Editing Proofreading Case Study Lab Report Speech Presentation Math Problem Article Article Critique Annotated Bibliography Reaction Paper PowerPoint Presentation Statistics Project Multiple Choice Questions None-Time-Framed Other Not listed High School Undergraduate Master Ph.
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Israeli Palestinian conflict explained: an animated introduction to Israel and Palestine
, time: 6:28The Israel/Palestine Conflict: One Land Two Claimants - Words | Essay Example

The Israel/Palestine conflict is one of the most interesting political conflicts in the contemporary world. The conflicts appear to be perpetual with no resolution materializing. This paper presents a summary of the Israeli Politics Today and Beyond section in Israel/Palestine – One Land Two Claimants where an overview of the Israeli politics and their roles in the ongoing conflict are The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world's longest-running conflicts, having lasted 54 years since Israel's control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Numerous attempts to end the dispute have been attempted as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. This research was anchored on the ethnonational conflict theory with heavy dependence on secondary data The conflict between Israel and Palestine has already endured for almost a century. While the conflict may be simple to understand, it is nevertheless also very complex as the reasons for such conflict has centered mostly in the control of the territory surrounding the two parties and sadly though, the conflict has resulted to the destruction, revenge and animosity between them
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