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Pros and cons essay sample

Pros and cons essay sample

pros and cons essay sample

Sep 26,  · September 26, by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples Pros and Cons of Community Service Giving back to the community is one of the most brilliant ideas to develop the society Essay, 6 pages (1, words) Download PDF; DOCX; Naturalization pros and cons essay sample Subject: Others. Add to Library Added to Library Add to Library Remove. Advertising We'll write a high-quality original custom paper on Naturalization pros and cons essay sample Feb 23,  · This is a free essay sample available for all students. If you are looking where to buy pre written essays on the topic “Pros and Cons of Abortion”, browse our private essay samples.. Introduction. Any discussion that involves someone’s life and death is always bound to be a long and deep one

Naturalization pros and cons essay sample - Words - NerdySeal

It has been argued by many that legal residents who go through the process of becoming a U. Citizen leads those individuals to uncertainty and insecurity about their identity and where their loyalties lie. Loyalty at one level may mean being considered disloyal at another. However, many people believe that how an individual understands their place in various communities of which they are a part of influences not only how they participate in society but also other communities in which they align themselves. Naturalization is the process by which an alien becomes an American citizen.

It is a voluntary act; naturalization is not required. The first naturalization law approved by Congress happened in through much of the 20th century, an alien could become naturalized in any court of record, and people went to a court that was convenient to them Prechtel-Kluskens. This basically meant a petition. After the petition was accepted, a certificate was presented to the alien. From towives of naturalized men by pros and cons essay sample became citizens. This meant that an alien woman who married a U. Citizen automatically become a citizen Smith, Marian L. Fast forward tothe qualifications to become a U. Citizen have changed drastically. First and foremost you have to have a Green Card. Not having a Pros and cons essay sample Card prevents you from applying for U.

In addition people have to spend at least 5 years as a lawful permanent resident, unless he or she is married to a U, pros and cons essay sample. Citizen then only can they apply after 3 years. They also have to be older than eighteen to serve in the military if needed in time of crisis. The Naturalization test consists of an oral and written exam, which then proceeds to an interview with a USCIS officer. The USCIS officer does not expect people going through the process to sound like an English college professor but more so test that they are able to communicate in English and hold a conversation.

It is encouraged that the individual put as much effort into wanting to learn English because this will make them feel at ease and will aid if the USCIS interviewer asks a question using a different word than they were expecting For example, spouse instead of husband. In the written test the USCIS officer will ask the individual to write down two or more sentences that he or she says out loud. These sentences are provided automatically for the officer to use. The sentences for the most part are not difficult, but it is better if the individual writes them properly.

Spelling and punctuation is important but getting the right meaning is the key to success. Last but not least, the U. History and Government Exam. The exam consists of basic civil right knowledge. This book contains one hundred questions that the USCIS officer will ask. Out of one hundred questions, the officer will only ask 10 and the individual has to get at least seven correct to pass. However many individuals spend their entire lives in the U. without ever trading their Green Card for citizenship. Moreover recent studies done by Homeland Security have shown that in the last couple years more people are going through pros and cons essay sample citizenship process Refer to Chart 1. When applying for U. Citizenship all background information is checked up to the point of how the Green Card is obtained and in some instances can uncover whatever is hiding, pros and cons essay sample, which can mean removal from the U.

Leticia was then put on a waiting list for a number of years, during which she fell in love. Then she finally received her green card. consulate forgot to ask. However if she mentioned she got married, her green card would have been revoked, because the category she applied in was meant only for unwed children. When Leticia applies for citizenship, pros and cons essay sample, she lists the date of when she wed. However U. law concerning dual citizenship is very unclear. Nowhere does it say that you cannot be a dual citizen—but then, nowhere does it say that you can.

The pros of becoming a U. Citizen is that it is defiantly an upgrade from having to carry around a permanent resident card, not having to renew a Green Card every ten years and paying the fee associated with renewing. Peace of mind about not carrying an important document and going through a whole heck of a lot to obtain a new card if it is lost or stolen. Another benefit of becoming a citizen is the right to vote and obtain certain federal jobs. Citizens can also live or take longer trips outside of the United States and even have the right to apply for public benefits and international protection.

Additional benefits include bringing family members from another country and students can receive more financial aid. Demonstrate good moral character in the years leading up to the application for naturalization—some examples include, paying taxes, child support and not committing any crimes. Furthermore, after completing the entire process mentioned the Green Cardholder is now a U. However his or her duties to this country are not over. Citizenship education is to build a common identity and a shared history, and to encourage patriotism and loyalty to the nation state. It offers new citizens the opportunity to contribute to their new country while providing additional benefits. The U. There are many ethnicities from many backgrounds and traditions, but they are united under the one American culture a unifying pros and cons essay sample. Becoming a U.

Berkeley, CA: Nolo. Claire Prechtel-Kluskens Nov. Marian L. Smith McDonaldD. New American Citizens [Web Photo]. Citizenship Education and the Curriculum. Westport, Conn: Ablex Pub. Citizenship and Immigration Services Citizenship Resource Center. Retrieved from website: www. Department of Homeland Security Learn About The United States: Quick Civic Lessons for The Naturalization Test. Washington, DC: U. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This work "Naturalization pros and cons essay sample" was written and submitted voluntarily by your fellow student.

You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own paper, pros and cons essay sample. The use of any parts of the work without proper citation is forbidden. Naturalization pros and cons essay sample. If you have any idea how best to write about Naturalization pros and cons essay sample, please contact us immediately. We would like to know more: [email protected]. Essay, 6 pages 1, words. Download PDF DOCX. Subject: Others, pros and cons essay sample. Add to Library Added to Library Add to Library Remove. Published: April 15, Updated: April 15, Language: English Downloads: ABSTRACT It has been argued by many that legal residents who go through the process of becoming a U.

Picture [ 1 ]: New American Citizens. Photo by McDonald Naturalization is the process by which an alien becomes an American citizen. Chart [ 1 ]: U. Permanent Cards V. Naturalization In the written test the USCIS officer will ask the individual to write down two or more sentences that he or she says out loud. I found this helpful I found this helpful This is not helpful Pros and cons essay sample is not helpful. Your votes help us become better! Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Reddit Share to LinkedIn. Request Removal. Cite this Essay Harvard APA-6 Chicago A-D Chicago N-B MLA-8 References NerdySeal. Reference NerdySeal. References NerdySeal.

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pros and cons essay sample

Feb 23,  · This is a free essay sample available for all students. If you are looking where to buy pre written essays on the topic “Pros and Cons of Abortion”, browse our private essay samples.. Introduction. Any discussion that involves someone’s life and death is always bound to be a long and deep one Essay, 6 pages (1, words) Download PDF; DOCX; Naturalization pros and cons essay sample Subject: Others. Add to Library Added to Library Add to Library Remove. Advertising We'll write a high-quality original custom paper on Naturalization pros and cons essay sample Feb 09,  · Business Pros and Cons of Partnership as. Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Business. Pros and Cons of Partnership as a form of business. Partnership is a form of business where one or more individuals come together for the realization of a common economic goal

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