Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Essay on brain drain in india

Essay on brain drain in india

essay on brain drain in india

May 20,  · An extended Essay on Brain drain of words. A short composition of words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of classes 7, 8, 9, and On the other hand, students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can refer to short essays. Long Essay on Brain Drain in English Words Dec 24,  · The reasons for this brain drain can be substantiated into a few key categories-Push factors for brain drain: Lack of higher education opportunities: The increasing cut-offs and legion of competitive exams make access to higher education difficult in India. Abroad, they have an advantage over students from other countries in terms of skills and knowledge May 19,  · Brain Drain: Brain drain is a term indicating substantial emigration or migration of individuals. A brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, the existence of favorable professional opportunities in other countries, or from a desire to seek a higher standard of living. The majority of migration is from developing to developed countries

Essay on Brain Drain in India | Causes & Effects

Brain Drain refers to the steady emigration of highly qualified and trained people from their country to an advanced one, in search of lucrative job opportunities and promising lifestyles. For a developing country like India, essay on brain drain in india, it poses a serious problem since the talents that could be employed in finding out feasible solutions of several glaring problems in the fields of science and technology, are unfortunately dedicated to the betterment of some other nation. The term originated when many British scientists and intellectuals emigrated from the war affected Europe to the U. S for better working conditions post-World War II. A survey claims that amidstIndian candidates, there is job scope for only 3. Moreover, it is commonly found that even those employed are not satisfied with either the job stand or salary.

This explains why a vast number of educated Indians never think twice about leaving their country when they receive essay on brain drain in india job options abroad. The absence of research facilities is another area that turns young enthusiasts dispirited. Many times, they are not provided adequate equipment to execute research-based works. When experienced individuals from abroad are offered superior posts with better pay packages, it unavoidably triggers jealousy and contempt among essay on brain drain in india employees. These discontented groups contrive to make working conditions unbearable for the privileged ones, making the latter want to stay abroad, essay on brain drain in india. A and Europe to look for tempting job prospects.

India has been struggling with several serious problems like poverty and poor health post-independence. Added to this, a significant depletion of dynamic individuals from different spheres, such as health, engineering, and education has repeatedly erected imposing hurdles and lessened the pace of progress that could have been otherwise achieved. Now, the considerable amount that the government invests in their training and education also comes to no avail, since there is hardly any possibility of money renewal. Adequate grounds must be provided to students and professionals, keen on research so that they can carry on their experiments unhesitatingly. The human resource department must put in more stress to create suitable mechanisms like, introducing pilot projects or making administrative procedures more flexible, to give them the necessary impetus to proceed further.

Salaries should also be given according to individual merit and experience. After that, relevant job opportunities must be furnished to keep the talent pool within the country. Reverse brain drain occurs when intellectuals migrate to developed countries to learn its technologies or to get working experience and then return back to their country so that they can serve in a better way. It is thus, a gain for our country. The same adjective is perhaps applicable when one seeks to describe the predicament of our country due to brain drain. Hence, immediate steps must be taken to ensure that each and every accomplished Indian feels proud to stay and work in his country.

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Brain Drain Essay In English - What is Brain Drain - Causes and Effects - Reasons Of Brain Drain

, time: 3:29

Brain Drain From India Essay - Words

essay on brain drain in india

Oct 15,  · Conclusion of brain drain. Definition of Brain drain means the migration of highly trained and qualified man-powered from one country to the other countries. This fleeing of talents mostly take place in the field of science and technology. This problem is mainly prevalent in developing countries like India May 19,  · Brain Drain: Brain drain is a term indicating substantial emigration or migration of individuals. A brain drain can result from turmoil within a nation, the existence of favorable professional opportunities in other countries, or from a desire to seek a higher standard of living. The majority of migration is from developing to developed countries Dec 24,  · The reasons for this brain drain can be substantiated into a few key categories-Push factors for brain drain: Lack of higher education opportunities: The increasing cut-offs and legion of competitive exams make access to higher education difficult in India. Abroad, they have an advantage over students from other countries in terms of skills and knowledge

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